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December 2024 | Sundays

During this series, we discover that even in the unexpected, God is still at work.

The Christmas season is filled with expectations: decorations, celebrations, gifts, and traditions. We anticipate them coming and even count down the days with chocolate filled calendars.  Things in life don’t always go according to our plans or our timelines.  What do we do when the unexpected happens?  The Christmas Story is filled with all kinds of unexpected events.  God’s timeline, the people he chose to involve, and the challenges along the way weren’t what people were expecting, but it was all part of God’s plan.  During this series, we discover that even in the unexpected, God is still at work.


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Fountain of Life
Church & Preschool

Part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

323 Hopkins Road

Kernersville, NC 27284

Connecting People to Jesus, for Eternity!

Sunday Worship at 8:30 & 11am EST

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