The Good Work Series Title

October 2024 | Sundays beginning September 29

Each one of us has a good work to do.

We may not see it yet, but it’s often right there in front of our eyes. For Nehemiah, it was a crumbled wall. For you, it could be an injustice in the world, or a need you see what no one else does. During this series, we will learn how Nehemiah responded to his own calling and learn how we can change our own world just by leaning into the unique calling that God has put in front of each of us.

This four-week series will take a closer look at the good work God called Nehemiah to do and show us how his story can be an example in our own lives. God has called us all to a good work in our world, in our neighborhood, or in our family. This series will challenge us to find our purpose, understand our opposition, and give us the tools and encouragement to live out our calling.


The Sunday Morning Bible Study will be doing a parallel study called Holy Ambition that will run through NovemberRIGHTNOW MEDIA –

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Church & Preschool

Part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

323 Hopkins Road

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