Next Steps

Worship with Us!
8:30am Traditional Worship
This worship service is a more liturgical style – led by the Organ and Choir.
Grow Together
Bible Studies
Sundays 9:50am
Study opportunities for all ages are available every Sunday between worship services.
Wednesday Evenings
Contact Leader:
Dinene Crater 336-341-2319
Second Monday of each month OR the following Saturday.
Alex Baum leads this monthly study, the second Monday of each month.
Contact Leader: Alex Baum
Right Now Media
Whether you’re part of the church or not, we have a free gift for you! Our church has access to an extensive, new video library called RightNow Media!
It’s like the “Netflix of Video Bible Studies” and has a HUGE library of faith-based videos that you can access whenever and wherever you want—on your phone, tablet, computer, or on your TV at home. You will have FREE access to thousands of video resources to help you with parenting, marriage, discipleship and more. It includes content for all ages and stages of life, and all of your family members are invited to set up their own accounts as well.
Create your free account! There are two simple steps:
- Click on the link (below) to create your private account and start watching right away!
- Download the RightNow Media app for your smart phone, tablet, Apple TV, Roku, or Amazon Fire TV.
We hope you and your family enjoy this gift from all of us here at Fountain Of Life Lutheran Church!
Serve the World
Volunteer in Ministry
This questionnaire is designed to not only help you identify what spiritual gifts God given you, but also help determine ways in which you can bless others through those spiritual gifts. This survey does take about 30 minutes to complete. After you complete it and we will follow up with you!
Audio/Video technicians : make sure the music and preaching is heard and seen with excellence and clarity!
Greeter : Come help us welcome visitors on Sunday morning!
Elementary small group leaders sit with kids during large-group teaching time and come prepared to lead a small group utilizing a lesson plan provided.
Crisis Control Drop Off Site:
Drop off donation of the item of the month in the Kitchen.
Backpack Program “Carryout 4 Cougars”
One in 4 children living in Northwest North Carolina lives with uncertainty over whether they will have enough to eat. In collaboration with 2nd Harvest Food Bank & Cash Elementary School, Fountain of Life has begun partnering with Faith Church, Grace Presbyterian Church, and Kerwin Baptist Church to provide Weekend BackPacks for children who are facing food insecurity. Weekend BackPacks provide nutritious, kid-friendly foods for children to take home over the weekends during the school year. Each child in the program will receive two breakfasts, two lunches and two snacks each Friday of the school year. Food is packaged in bags that are confidentially placed in the child’s book bag. The foods are easily opened by children and do not need oven or microwave preparation.
Since 2010, Fountain of Life has sent a team each summer to Quito, Ecuador to work at Pan de Vida through Extreme Response International. While there, we teach Vacation Bible School to 60 children, assist in worship at Pan de Vida on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings, participate in work projects that include Hit Squads (work with selected beneficiary family to improve personal living conditions) and light maintenance at Pan de Vida including painting, grounds-work, cleaning. Our time is also spent in fellowship with the staff, children and families of Pan de Vida, as well as the Hit Squad families.
While Serving in Ecuador, Volunteers will assist:
- Feeding program for Ecuadorans
- Serving the needs of refugees from Venezuela and Colombia through a separate feeding program and distribution of supplies
- Sharing devotions with the women in the Microbusiness program
- Teaching lessons to the children
- Helping with a building project for one of the beneficiary families
- Sharing God’s Love through service opportunities