Ministries and Groups
Groups At The Fountain
God is the fountain of life, and Jesus pours out this life into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. When we say “Come to The Fountain!’” we are inviting you to gather around God’s Word and Holy Sacraments where Jesus comes to us and gives us new life. But It doesn't end there! Find other ways to stay connect, grow in your faith alongside others at The Fountain through our groups and ministries.
What was the first thing that Jesus did after fasting and being tempted in the desert? He formed a small group! He chose 12 men with whom he had fellowship, shared discussions of the scriptures, and generally equipped them to be mature, functioning disciples in the world. They comforted each other, worshiped together, learned together, and ultimately became the working Body of Christ.
At Fountain of Life, this has long been our goal. We take the Great Commission seriously. Have you ever wished you were better equipped to do that? Being a part of a small group can help. Small groups are an intimate way of learning how to be an emissary of Christ. They are structured in a variety of ways to meet all sorts of needs, so there is a good chance you can find one that fits into your schedule and assists in bringing your discipleship for Christ into focus.
Ready to Join a Life Group?
Connect with Coordinators Pat Shaw or Terry Griffin:
Looking for Study Materials?
Check Out Right Now Media! Get Your Free Access >
More Information on Families with Children & Youth >
There are many opportunities to serve, study, and fellowship in the Lord together, if you are in your 20’s and 30’s join our facebook group to find out what upcoming events and gatherings are planned.
Get Connected:
There are many opportunities to serve, study, and fellowship in the Lord together for men.
The Men’s Group provide hands on assistance with the property, gather together for fellowship and recreational events, and fund raise throughout the year for the Men’s Group Scholarship Fund.
Sign Up to Receive Email Updates:
Receive Men’s Group Email Updates >
Men’s Bible Study
Alex Baum leads this monthly study, the second Monday of each month.
Questions? Contact Alex Baum :
There are many opportunities to serve, study, and fellowship in the Lord together for women.
Women help provide meals for the Meals team, and funeral reception teams, participate in the Angel Tree Ministry; planting in the Spring and Fall around the church grounds.
Sign Up to Receive Email Updates:
Women’s Interests Email Updates >
Ladies Bible Study
Moms Unite
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Other Groups & Teams
The Worship Arts Team helps facilitate worship by presenting the Word of God and leading the congregation in response. The medium of this worship facilitation can take on various forms: music, visual imagery, speaking, drama, videos and more!
Choir members meet weekly for rehearsals on Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm. The Choir warm up for 8:30 worship is at 8am. The Special Events Choir only sings for special services throughout the year.
Please Note: Choir will meet Tuesday evening instead of Wednesdays through September 6, 2023.
Praise Band
Praise band members serve as they are able. Rehearsals are on Thursday nights from 6-8pm, with breakout times for vocalists and instrumentalists. Sunday Morning Warm Up is 9:30am for 11am Worship.
AV Techs
Media techs project the slides, Sound techs help run the sound board. Livestream techs assist in running the livestream setup. AV Techs serve as they are able, from once a month to three weeks a month. Techs arrive 30 minutes before worship. Special Training is required.
Interested in Joining the Team?
The Meals Ministry provides meals for church members who have a family member in the hospital, or will be returning home after surgery, have had a baby, are ill or has experienced a death in the family.
- Be willing to make or purchase a meal for a family in need when able.
- Be accessible by phone or email to receive communications from Meal Ministry Coordinator about the need of providing a meal.
- If able to provide a meal, call the family to arrange drop off
- Follow up with Meal Ministry Coordinator after the meal is dropped off.
Need Recipe Ideas?
Check out the Meals Pinterest Board!
“I would like to Help but I really don’t like to Cook”
or “I just don’t have the Time”
We understand everyone is busy or maybe you don’t like to cook BUT would consider making a financial donation towards the purchase of a meal.
If you would like to make a donation toward this ministry, please visit our giving page.
Meals Team Leader
Gwen Ashburn : email 336-595-2118
If you are in need of funeral services, please contact the Church Office.
This ministry may be something that you might not have thought of before but offers a perfect opportunity to serve with a small time commitment. Please look over the variety of options that are available.
If you would like to serve in this ministry, we could use many hands in one or more of these areas.
Set Up
Volunteers needed for set up of tables for family to sit at as well as long tables for buffet serving of food and drinks. This would involve putting out tablecloths, plates, cups and utensils and setting out trash cans. There may be minimal decorating with flowers.
Food Prep
These volunteers will choose from a predetermined list of appetizers/ desserts. These items include crackers, cheeses, pretzels, chex party mix, fruit tray(s), vegetable tray(s) with dips, small sandwiches, cookies or brownies. You can prepare the food or purchase the food. These food items can be dropped off at the church for the servers to set out.
Servers/ Kitchen Help
Volunteers are needed to stay and assist with the flow of the reception. Replenishing food items, beverages or plates and napkins as needed.
A clean up team is needed to clean up the fellowship hall. Return the tables to their proper places, put away tableware, take home a launder tablecloths, clean up kitchen, clean and put away serving dishes and utensils and to take the trash out.
Please contact Karen at the church office 993-4447 or Email, with your contact information and let her know where you would like to serve!
Want to Help with Property Needs?
Sign Up to Receive Email Updates >
Property Team Leads:
Mission Statement
Emergency Response Team (ERTeam) Ministry is a group of volunteer member “Guardians” that are committed to providing Safety and Security to all who choose to worship our Lord Jesus Christ at Fountain of Life Lutheran Church.
Call for Volunteers
The ERTeam is looking for volunteers over 18 years old to help out with security duties on Sunday mornings and special Seasonal Services. You will also be helping to develop and implement future security measures and policies. Your help will be greatly appreciated by all our members and guests! Please contact an ERTeam Member or Deb Hayward if you are interested in helping out.
Doors Locked and Secured
The ERTeam would like to “Thank Everyone” for your continued support by keeping all the entrance doors locked and secured on Sunday mornings. Currently the only doors that are open are the two front main parking lot entrance doors on the driveway side. We do not mind if you unlock another door to enter the Church, but we do ask you to make sure that the door is closed and locked once you get inside. By locking the doors you are helping to secure the building and keeping everyone safe as they attend Worship Services.
Always Be Vigilant
If you see something or someone acting suspicious, please notify a member of the ERTeam or an Usher. We can always use an extra set of eyes when it comes to safety.

Lead: Jim Artzner
All Team Members can be recognized by their Yellow Name Badges. (See Image)
Don’t Just Follow Us, Join In!
- Where have you seen God in your community or during worship?
- Take a picture, post it to social media tag it with #fountaincheckin
- Take a selfie with a spiritual mentor at church
- Share a quote from the scripture hymn song or confession.
- Review your Sunday School class, inviting your friends on social media to join you.
- Record a clip of Worship, so others on social media can see what worship looks like from your perspective. (Periscope, Facebook or Instagram video or Facebook live)
- Take a moment to prayer over your device, that God may use it to spread His love to those connected to you.
- Connect to FOL via our outreach methods so your digital discipleship can grow throughout the week via constant contact lists, ‘come to the fountain’ app, website, and social media.
Be a part of the online community going forward… contact Sarah Speaks to learn more!
Children and Youth
Babies/Toddlers Up through 3 Years Old Welcome!
A staffed nursery, located adjacent to the Sanctuary, is available for both services and the Sunday School hour.
Children’s Church
Your child is encouraged to stay with you throughout the entire service. We understand this can be a challenge, especially with a wiggly child, here are some ideas to consider:
Sit wherever it is easiest for you:
Children are naturally curious, try sitting close to the front so they can see and follow along!
Bring Activities or Books:
We are unable to offer Children’s Church or Quiet Activity Bags at this time, feel free to pack crayons and coloring books from home.
Children learn by copying us:
Help explain what is going on during worship. Sing, pray, read along so your children can hear you.
Lastly… Relax!
Your child’s energy is given by God. Do not feel that you have to suppress it in God’s house.
Children’s Sunday School
Sundays 9:50am
3 Years Old – 5th Grade
Children’s Sunday School is hosted by two adult leaders each week and will include a short Bible Study plus a fun game or activity.
Sunday School – Sundays 9:50am
6th-7th Graders meets in Room 7 (Conference Room)
8-12th Grade meets in the Youth Room
Monthly Events
Each Month we have a service project, game, event to do together and invite a friend to! Join our email list to get events and youth news.