Following Jesus Series Art

Message Series July 2023

Following Jesus is more than just learning what Jesus said and did – it’s learning to become like Jesus.  During this series, we will follow Jesus through the Gospel of Matthew and learn how Jesus responds to the people and situations he faces and what that means for how we live as Jesus’ followers today.  

Beginning July 3, we will follow Jesus through his ministry – documented in the Gospel of Matthew.  Each day, let’s read one chapter and reflect on a few devotional questions.  This will be an easy way to stay in the Word wherever we are enjoying summer this year. Scroll down for the entire schedule, pick up a bookmark in the Welcome Area, and follow us on Facebook for daily reminders!

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Fountain of Life
Church & Preschool

Part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

323 Hopkins Road

Kernersville, NC 27284

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