Angel Tree Campaign
We are collecting donations to the Angel Tree fund online or in the offering plate through the month of December. All donations will go towards the Angel Tree Fund. This year, we are helping 8 families at East Forsyth Middle School and 8 families at Cash Elementary, plus a few from the preschool. Families will receive the gift cards, along with a letter from Fountain of Life sharing the love of Jesus, and a Christmas activity book for the family to enjoy through the advent season. Each family receives money to help cover Christmas Groceries PLUS $75 for Each Child (to cover 2 items they need and one gift they want). Join us in supporting this ministry by donating what you can, to help these local families.
We invite you to take an Angel from the Tree in the Welcome Area and place donations in the offering plate or give below. Please memo checks “Angel Tree” or put cash in a labeled envelope.
More Information : Contact Christine Beaman or Pam Stevens