Values Out Loud Thumbnail

February 2025 | Sundays

During this series, we unpack the four new value statements for Fountain of Life.

A value is more than good ideas that you agree with. A value is something that impacts the way that you live. It can be seen in your actions and heard in your words. During our vision process, we asked the question, “what do we value at The Fountain?” What are the things that we are passionate about that make our church unique? There is power in naming your values. It gives you the ability to live out what matters. We don’t keep our values silently hidden in our hearts. We live our Values Out Loud!

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Fountain of Life
Church & Preschool

Part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

323 Hopkins Road

Kernersville, NC 27284

Connecting People to Jesus, for Eternity!

Sunday Worship at 8:30 & 11am EST

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