Winterjam 2024
Join us for Winter Jam 2024! We will be going to the Greensboro Coliseum and attending an amazing concert starring Crowder, Lecrae, Cain, Seventh Day Slumber, and more! The event costs $15. We will be outside for several hours waiting to get in so please dress accordingly and bring some snacks and games for the wait.
Mark your calendars and sign up here to go to Winterjam 2024 at the Greensboro Coliseum. All Middle and High Schoolers are invited to attend. We will carpool from the Church at 12pm on Saturday February 24. Be sure to sign up by February 18!
Estimated Return Time: 10pm
Adults, if you are willing to drive, comment with the number of passengers.
A few more events are coming up! See all Youth Events Here >