Message Series (October 17-31)
Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Scripture Alone
In 1517, Martin Luther began the Reformation by calling the church to address some of the places where we had lost sight of God’s plan for his people. 3 foundational beliefs became the pillars of a movement that reshaped and reformed the church forever. 500 years later, those same 3 pillars are still reforming our lives today. We have been saved by grace alone through faith alone, and all we believe rests on Scripture alone. During this 3 week series, we will learn how Grace, Faith, and God’s Word are still re-forming us today!
This series will end on October 31 with our Reformation Celebration, a single Outdoor Combined Worship Service at 10:30am. Learn more about Events October 30-31? Go to: Ad Fontes
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